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SKYTRAC Service Provider for Iridium Certus

SKYTRAC has been selected as one of the first aviation service providers for Iridium CertusSM. Powered by the $3 billion Iridium NEXT global satellite system, Iridium Certus offers enterprise-grade, low-latency satellite communications with increased bandwidth. SKYTRAC clients on the Certus platform will benefit from high-efficiency, real-time air-to-ground data streaming, true pole-to-pole coverage and unprecedented in-flight calling clarity.

February 28, 2017 –SKYTRAC has been selected as one of the first aviation service providers for Iridium CertusSM.

“SKYTRAC is proud to have been selected as one in a limited group of companies to offer Certus-powered services direct to clients. SKYTRAC has been a long-time Iridium partner, leveraging their global-coverage satellite network to provide the latest real-time communications technologies from flight following and voice communications to recent innovations like real-time Health and Usage Monitoring and weather-to-cockpit,” said SKYTRAC President Malachi Nordine.

“Through the Iridium Certus partnership SKYTRAC continues to lead the development of ground-breaking real-time flight safety tools. With faster upload and download speeds and with higher quality connectivity, Iridium Certus will allow us to offer richer real-time in-flight situational applications so operators can achieve their safety goals with even greater efficiency,” continued Nordine.

SKYTRAC will extend Iridium Certus services to aviation partners as well as delivering the technology on their ISAT-200A hardware.


Press Contacts

Reuben Mann