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SKYTRAC’s #WomenInAviation Series: Michelle Lopez, Technician Support and Inspector Repairman at ACR ARTEX

Women of Aviation Worldwide Week (WOAW) is a global aviation awareness week for females across the globe. Originally marking the anniversary of the world’s first female pilot license on March 8, 1910, the week is a call to address the gender imbalance in the air and space industries.

This week we will be featuring remarkable aviation professionals from across the ACR Group of companies that make us succeed daily. We would like to thank every woman in the ACR Group for their ongoing support, and #ChooseToChallenge the status quo.

Here is a highlight on one of our talented team members from ACR ARTEX.

What is your current role at ACR ARTEX?

Technician Support, Inspector “Repairman”, Aviation Repairs & Safety Committee Team Member.

What brought you to work in aviation?

I was looking for work and came across a position at Barfield an Avionics Technician having experience in repairs in the past and with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronic Communication Engineering Technology has helped me grow in aviation.

How long have you been part of the ACR ARTEX team?

I have been working for ACR for about ten years.

What do you find rewarding about your work?

The friendships that I have developed with my peers.

What do you find challenging about working in aviation?

What I enjoy about working in aviation is learning and growing what I find challenging is there is a lot to learn.

What has been the most challenging obstacle in your career journey? How did you overcome this obstacle?

One of the most challenging obstacles in my career journey has been a lack of acceptance. I overcame the obstacle by being determined to never give up & keep doing my best.

What advice would you give to your 15-year old self?

You are amazing. Don’t get discouraged, use it to make you stronger. Behind every strong person is a story.

Why is gender diversity within the industry important to you?

Because we have so many women in our company, it allows our teams to see work and ideas from different points of view and perspectives. After some research found out ACR female employees represent 43% of our business. This is higher than the 30.2% reported by the FAA’s Aeronautical Center on December 31, 2020. It is also higher than the benchmark for other companies within the same industry as ACR, which is currently at 27%.

What would you tell young females interested in joining the industry?

Learn how to ignore negativity. Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, trust, create and grow.

Do you have a mentor or idol in aviation?

I had an incredible trainer “Mr. Tai”. He was passionate, dedicated, and knowledgeable. He had a positive attitude and was always willing to help. Most importantly he treated me the same as anyone else.

What are some valuable life lessons you have learned while working in aviation?

You can’t please everyone. There’s no shame in not knowing.

To learn more about Women of Aviation Week, please visit

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