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SKYTRAC Unveils Plans to Launch LEO Satellite Constellation – SKYTRAC Odyssey.

APRIL 1, 2022, KELOWNA, BC – SKYTRAC Systems (SKYTRAC), a global leader in satellite communications (Satcom) and intelligent connectivity solutions, today announced long-term plans to launch a new globally available satellite constellation, SKYTRAC Odyssey.

Like the Iridium NEXT satellite and Starlink constellations, SKYTRAC Odyssey will operate within the Lower Earth Orbit (LEO). The constellation will orbit 500 km from Earth, enabling imperceptible  latency that will be indiscernible for operators in all segments of aviation.

SKYTRAC Odyssey will utilize the Ka band, enabling higher data rates, smaller antennas, narrower beams, and greater cybersecurity – factors crucial for the widespread use of satellite connectivity. Although these higher frequencies are more susceptible to weather and rain fade, SKYTRAC has plans to invest in improved ground-station design, adaptive coding, and signal modulation to reduce frequency vulnerability.

“Launching a satellite, let alone a series of satellites, is admittedly quite an odyssey for a company of any size,” says Reuben Mann, Head of Marketing at SKYTRAC. “After a thorough technical and market analysis, it was apparent that the cost of launching a satellite constellation would ultimately be a worthwhile investment in the future of Canadian aerospace. We see LEO concepts playing an important role in meeting the increased demand for low latency connectivity, a trend we don’t see shifting anytime soon.”

SKYTRAC plans to launch 704 satellites, broken down into three phases spanning across four years. The first phase, dubbed Orion, are scheduled to be launched in the fall of 2024 and will cover connectivity on over 80% of the planet. Pending the launch of Cygnus satellites in the fall of 2026 and the Pegasus satellites in 2028, SKYTRAC Odyssey will offer truly global connectivity with up to 1 Gbps uplink and downlink capabilities with latencies of 10 ms to serve maritime, land, mobile, government, and IoT applications.

The first test of the satellites is scheduled for April 1st, 2024 in Kelowna, British Columbia at the SKYTRAC headquarters. This will inaugurate SKYTRAC embracing the full-extent of being a truly end-to-end satellite connectivity solution provider.

“We have kept this under wraps for a while, but we are excited that the project is finally at a stage where it can be shared,” mentions Reuben Mann. “With the SKYTRAC Odyssey project, we are not only spurring the growth of the Canadian aerospace industry, we are building a legacy. For years to come, when you look out on the horizon, people will see the testament to our innovation and resilience.”

SKYTRAC is currently seeking aviation technology partners to develop and test satellite terminals for the aviation segment. For more information, please contact

Disclaimer: This was released on April 1, 2022, and is meant to be a satirical content piece in celebration of April Fools. SKYTRAC is not currently developing an LEO constellation.

About SKYTRAC Systems Ltd.

SKYTRAC is aviation’s full-service, data-driven solutions provider serving the fixed-wing, rotorcraft, and unmanned aviation markets. Since 1986, SKYTRAC has pioneered the development, evolution and commercialization of flight following, flight data and communications technology. Today, with systems certified on over 900 airframes and an online data management portal that is the go-to tool for over 7,500 global users, SKYTRAC is truly the partner of choice for data-guided business insights. From performance trending and operations reporting to real-time asset tracking and situational awareness – SKYTRAC offers a one- stop response to meeting more of your company’s needs. For more information, visit

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