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SKYTRAC – a Proud Member of the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA)

Specializing in intelligent connectivity through Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) satcom, cellular, and Wi-Fi connectivity, SKYTRAC is an active and proud member of the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA), the voice of the general aviation aircraft electronics industry.

Founded in 1957, the AEA has a long-standing history of representing member companies, including maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facilities, manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers, and educational institutions. The AEA represents nearly 1,300 member companies in more than 40 countries.

AEA’s mission is to be a worldwide, self-sustaining organization committed to enhancing the profitability of its members by providing effective leadership to its members, facilitating the communications between members, encouraging members to establish critical quality processes, furthering the education of its members, and influencing the applicable legislative and regulatory processes. AEA brings members together by hosting several events throughout the year.

While the AEA hosts several smaller conferences in the US, South Pacific, and Europe, the most notable event is their convention and trade show occurring annually since 1957. As a member, SKYTRAC annually attends AEA’s convention to exhibit innovative products and capabilities.

SKYTRAC’s Role in the Aircraft Electronics Industry

Utilizing the Iridium NEXT constellation, SKYTRAC offers industry-leading satellite communication (Satcom) hardware and avionic accessories for manned and unmanned aviation. While SKYTRAC’s broadband SDL-350 and IMS-350 Satcom terminals offer bandwidth speeds up to 704 Kbps, the midband Satcom terminals such as, the DLS-100, offering up to 88 Kbps of bandwidth. SKYTRAC also offers the narrowband ISAT-200A Series 7,  capable of up to 2.4 Kbps bandwidth. These multifunctional and configurable systems enable mission-critical capabilities and effectively serve all segments of aviation. These capabilities include:

SKYTRAC’s avionics offer aviation a gateway to reliably access these capabilities at a lower overall cost than competitor Satcom systems and services.

Offering these capabilities by leveraging modern avionics, SKYTRAC significantly contributes to the general aviation aircraft electronics industry. SKYTRAC is a proud member of the AEA and the aviation community.   

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