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Jarrod Manson wins Top 40 under 40 in Wings Magazine

Jarrod Manson – SKYTRAC’s First Top 40 Under 40 Winner for WINGS Magazine

Manson, age 32, graduated from Farnborough College of Technology, and joined SKYTRAC in 2014 progressing through
roles like Software Test Lead and Client Services Coordinator. He is now the youngest member of SKYTRAC’s management team and recently led the development of its key Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) technology. In this role, he managed a global team of flight data analysts, software developers, and embedded hardware specialists working within a range of aviation sectors like aerial firefighting, offshore oil and gas, EMS, and SAR.

Manson also enables aerial firefighting fleet operators with SKYTRAC’s Operational Loads Monitoring System. He played a key role in SKYTRAC’s acquisition of Latitude Technologies, which required amalgamating two disparate FDM departments. “We enabled various synergies, obtained profitability, and implemented a series of processes to ensure our projects get completed in a timely manner, at a rate significantly higher than held by either of the FDM departments on their own. This year alone, we have onboarded 31 aircraft and lead SKYTRAC in on-time project implementations.”

In May 2021, Manson was tasked with leading SKYTRAC’s GADSS program, an initiative outlined by ICAO to establish an aircraft-tracking time interval of 15 minutes for all planes with a take-off mass of 27 000 kgs or 45,000 kbs when flying over oceanic areas. The complex technology, being ushered in following the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 tragedy in 2014, in addition to earlier losing an Air France flight heading to Brazil, is built around an autonomous distress tracking (ADT) concept.

You can also read the article in Wings Magazine

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