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Celebrating Women of Aviation Week with Mandi Skinner

Women of Aviation Week is about celebrating women’s accomplishments in aviation and inspiring others to construct the industry’s future. As we highlight the women that are our aerospace leaders, SKYTRAC is proud to encourage more women to join the industry.

Women deliver energy to the industry that facilitates equality and innovation, and SKYTRAC is honored to provide an environment that encourages women to become industry leaders. Because of this, we would like to highlight the talented faces behind our team.

When did you start working at SKYTRAC? 

I joined the SKYTRAC team in October of 2015.

What brought you to work in aviation?

A well-respected colleague told me that he had a great opportunity that he wanted me to interview for. He worked on the investment side and wanted to introduce me to the SKYTRAC management team. I flew to Kelowna to meet with them, and the rest is history.

Which department to do you work in?

I work in the Business Development, with the Sales team.

What positive trait(s) do you feel women bring to the industry?

Women are collaborative thinkers and strategic in leadership, I think we bring the ability to balance and manage tasks well. These are key skill sets when it comes to executing projects successfully.

What would tell young females interested in joining the industry?

It will be a challenging but rewarding opportunity to learn this industry and you have to be dedicated.

Do you have a female mentor or idol in the aviation industry? 

I do not have a female mentor or idol in the industry. I just want to improve my own skillset and strive to be better than I was yesterday.

Do you have any inspiring lessons that you have learned about life while working in the aviation industry?

I have learned to be patient and diligent in this market. Those are skillsets that have been a challenge to acquire.

What’s your favorite thing about the industry?

Innovation is always abundant and full of change, it’s constantly progressing. Also, even though this is a global industry, everyone knows everyone, therefore reputations and integrity are valued immensely.

To learn more about Women of Aviation Week, visit

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