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Kim B, Woman in Aviation

Celebrating Women of Aviation Week with Kim Bagnall

Women of Aviation Week is about celebrating women’s accomplishments in aviation and inspiring others to construct the industry’s future. As we highlight the women that are our aerospace leaders, SKYTRAC is proud to encourage more women to join the industry.

Women deliver energy to the industry that facilitates equality and innovation, and SKYTRAC is honored to provide an environment that encourages women to become industry leaders. Because of this, we would like to highlight the talented faces behind our team.

How long have you been working for SKYTRAC?
I’ve been working with SKTYRAC for 15 years.

What brought you to work in aviation?
The products and services that SKYTRAC offer to the aviation industry have always been leading edge, and it has been great to be a part of the solution that helps keep crews safe.

What positive trait(s) do you feel women bring to the industry?
I believe women bring the ability to see all sides of an issue, then make a decision, and work to get the job done.

What would tell young females interested in joining the industry?
Do your research ask lots of questions. There are many opportunities available at all levels, so find your passion and then go for it!

Do you have a female mentor or idol in the aviation industry?
In my early days at SKYTRAC, the people I worked with helped paved the way for women on the industry’s support side.

Do you have any inspiring lessons that you have learned about life while working in the aviation industry?
Always be open to new opportunities and never be afraid to learn something new.

What’s your favorite thing about the industry?
I learn something new every day.

To learn more about Women of Aviation Week, visit

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