Stars Utilizes SKYTRAC's Airborne Communications for Mission-Critical Capabilities

Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service Helicopter

Organization: Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS)
Industry: Emergency Air Medical Transport
Location: Western Canada
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STARS air ambulance currently operates a fleet of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) capable Airbus H145 and BK117 helicopters, which have been specially outfitted for helicopter Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations. The aircraft are essentially flying Intensive Care Units (ICUs) that include equipment such as a cardiac monitor, pacemaker, transport ventilator, video laryngoscope, ultrasound, IV pumps, on-board lab diagnostics, and even on-board blood for emergency transfusions. Western Canada’s remote regions can create challenges for emergency services and air medical service providers. However, STARS is vital for those who need critical care and are in isolated areas, and their needs for globally available satellite
communications is crucial for their organization.


Since 2005, STARS has been utilizing SKYTRAC for flight following and Satcom voice for essential “flight for life” services. STARS has outfitted its air ambulance fleet with SKYTRAC’sISAT-200A Satcom system and DAL-200 for air transit communications and IoT platforms onboard their fleet of aircraft. Services enabled by SKYTRAC’s Satcom systems include globally available automated flight following and Satcom voice, which provide real-time communications and accurate estimated time of arrival for aircraft.

SKYTRAC has been a consistent partner in providing secure and reliable services, including flight following and satellite voice services no matter where the mission takes us. SKYTRAC has demonstrated a willingness to assist STARS to innovate in the space, including future capabilities that allow for airborne transmission of live medical data to ground-based physician, specialist, and trauma teams.”

Download the STARS Case Study

Discover how Shock Trauma Air Rescue Services (STARS) utilizes SKYTRAC’s satellite communication systems in remote regions to leverage mission-critical capabilities.