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SKYTRAC’s #WomenInAviation Series: Karolina May, Senior Human Resources Manager at SKYTRAC

Women of Aviation Worldwide Week (WOAW) is a global aviation awareness week for females across the globe. Originally marking the anniversary of the world’s first female pilot license on March 8, 1910, the week is a call to address the gender imbalance in the air and space industries.

This week we will be featuring remarkable aviation professionals from across the ACR Group of companies that make us succeed daily. We would like to thank every woman in the ACR Group for their ongoing support, and #ChooseToChallenge the status quo.

Here is a highlight of one of our talented team members.

What is your current role at SKYTRAC?

I am the Senior Human Resources Manager. 

What brought you to work in aviation?

My husband and I moved from Vancouver to the beautiful Okanagan in late 2020. I was drawn to SKYTRAC’s exciting growth in an industry that is constantly evolving and innovating. Being on the cutting edge of development translates to contributing to new initiatives and experiences, thinking on one’s feet, and driving for results – that’s appealing.

How long have you been part of the SKYTRAC team?

For just over 1 year. 

What do you find rewarding about your work?

In a nutshell the opportunity to be a part of supporting a rapidly growing company. Being the first HR person for the organization is very exciting, helping to plan and grow HR functions not only to support the company’s success but the team that works here.

What do you enjoy and find challenging about working in aviation?

The most challenging aspect is understanding the aviation language with all its acronyms, abbreviations, and definitions.  I have a long way to go yet!   I am thrilled to contribute to an organization that makes a difference not only to aviators but to passengers. Our products help save lives, it’s an honor to be a part of that.

What has been the most challenging obstacle in your career journey? How did you overcome this obstacle?

To be honest, I’ve been lucky and I haven’t had to overcome any huge obstacles.  I cannot think of just one career journey challenge.  Each of us faces all kinds of obstacles in both our personal and professional lives.  It comes down to making sacrifices, stepping out of your comfort zone, and persevering. 


What advice would you give to your 15-year old self?

That many limitations and obstacles are self-imposed. Be patient though and understand that you need to walk before you can run.   Step out of your comfort zone and commit to one thing long enough and work hard, and you will see success.

Why is gender diversity within the industry important to you?

At the end of the day, it can only help businesses no matter the industry.  Diverse backgrounds provide for varied perspectives which helps us all open our minds and at the end of the day come together, innovate, drive for better results, build appreciation, etc. It’s not just about gender diversity, it’s exposing oneself to different cultures, demographics, and generations.  Sidebar:  the best education I ever had was doing a trip around the world for 1 year, it was a life lesson that I carry with me to this day.

What would you tell young females interested in joining the industry?

Persevere. If there ever was a time it is now. I am proud to say in an industry that is so male-dominated, over 40% of our employees at SKYTRAC are women.

Do you have a mentor or idol in aviation?

I don’t have a mentor within aviation … yet! Although,  two people who I admire the most are Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, his selflessness, dedication, and ability to forgive is truly astounding to me; and my father and WW2 veteran who taught me to keep perspective and to treat others as you want to be treated.

What are some valuable life lessons you have learned while working in aviation?

Not sure it falls under valuable life lessons but since working at SKYTRAC I have had the opportunity to gain a completely different perspective about flying.  I had no real appreciation for what it took to take to the skies or the connectivity one can achieve with the ground through technology.   It’s incredible how much has been accomplished in just the last 100 years!   


To learn more about Women of Aviation Week, please visit

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